Clone-Sammler Manny Perez hat mit Uneeda Kontakt aufgenommen, um das Rätsel der "U"-Markierungen (siehe mein Buch, S.47) zu lösen. Ergebnis: Uneeda fertigte keine Puppen mit "U"-Markierung. Manny erläutert dies auf Flickr:
Clone collector Manny Perez wrote to Uneeda to solve the "U"-head mystery (see my book page 47). They replied to him that they never manufactured dolls with an "U"-marking. Read Manny's posting at Flickr:
![Vergessene Modepuppen (Buch-Updates) / Forgotten Fashion- and Teen Dolls (Book updates)](
Dieser Blog beschäftigt sich mit meinen Buch-Projekt über Modepuppen. Hier poste ich Nachträge und Updates zu meinen 2 Büchern. Leider kann ich aus Zeitgründen seit 2015 nicht mehr weiter daran arbeiten. // This blog is about my book project and forgotten vintage fashion dolls. I use this blog for updating my 2 books. Due to my limited time it is discontinued since 2015. Sorry!
Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013
Book 1 - Update 10: Tommy - Don - Ronnie
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Auction Pictue |
Recently i discovered a male doll that looks identical to Don by Davtex and Tommy by PMA: Ronnie by PMA. Another good proof that identical dolls were mostly marketed under different names by different companies (see my book page 60).
Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013
Book 1 - Update 9: Miss Teen
Dienstag, 17. September 2013
Book 1 - Update 8: Rusty
Rusty gab es offensichtlich in (mindestens) 2 Versionen. Zum einen gab es die (frühere?) Version mit geraden Beinen, zum anderen gab es die (spätere?) Version mit biegbaren Beinen, die ich in meinem Buch vorgestellt habe (Seite 73). Auch die Gesichter unterscheiden sich. Die hier abgebildete Version ist die mit geraden Beinen.
I found out that there was at least one more version of Rusty. In opposite to the Rusty in my book (page 73), the other Rusty has straight legs. Also her face is different. I guess the straight-leg-Rusty is an earlier version than the bendleg-Rusty. The Rusty on the pic below is a straight-leg Rusty.
I found out that there was at least one more version of Rusty. In opposite to the Rusty in my book (page 73), the other Rusty has straight legs. Also her face is different. I guess the straight-leg-Rusty is an earlier version than the bendleg-Rusty. The Rusty on the pic below is a straight-leg Rusty.
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Rusty (Picture: Manny) |
Book 1 - Update 7: Debbie the elegant doll
Vor kurzem entdeckte ich, dass es eigene Kleidung für Debbie (in meinem Buch auf S. 22) gab. In der Verpackung war sogar ein Nachfüllpack Puder enthalten.
Recently i found out that Debbie (see my book page 22) had her own clothing series. The packaging also contained a powder refill for the powder bottle.
Recently i found out that Debbie (see my book page 22) had her own clothing series. The packaging also contained a powder refill for the powder bottle.
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(Auction picture; will remove if wanted) |
Montag, 16. September 2013
More about Maddie Mod: Lovely Lainie
In den USA habe ich vor kurzem eine Puppe gesehen, die genauso aussieht wie die "typische" 1970er Maddie Mod, die sich aber "Lovely Lainie" nennt. Diese Puppe wurde von Mego selbst vermarktet. Warum Mego hier einen anderen Namen wählte und eigene Schachteln anfertigen ließ, ist mir rätselhaft... War die Puppe eventuell für die Vermarktung in anderen Ländern bestimmt?
Recently i discovered a doll in the USA (mint in box) who looks the same as the typical 1970's Maddie Mod, but Mego called her "Lovely Lainie". i don't know why Mego did this double-marketing with a popular doll like Maddie. Maybe she was created to be sold on foreign markets?
Recently i discovered a doll in the USA (mint in box) who looks the same as the typical 1970's Maddie Mod, but Mego called her "Lovely Lainie". i don't know why Mego did this double-marketing with a popular doll like Maddie. Maybe she was created to be sold on foreign markets?
Book 1 - Update 6: Rick
Rick gab es noch mit einem anderen Gesicht als dem von mir im Buch abgebildeten (Seite 58). Auf dem Foto unten ist das bekannte Gesicht rechts zu sehen, das neu-entdeckte Rick-Gesicht ist links zu sehen. Die neu-entdeckte Version von Rick ist auch im europäischen Markt gehandelt worden, z.B. in Schweden unter dem Namen "Bobby" (weiterer Unterschied zu Rick: ein unmarkierter Körper). Beide Variationen von Rick haben eine "Davtex"-Markierung.
I found out that Rick was available with another face. In my book you see variation 1 (page 58); below you see variation 2 and - right to it - variation 1 (as shown in my book page 58). Both dolls are marked "Davtex". The newly discovered version of Rick was also sold in Europe, but under different names and without "Davtex"-marking.
I found out that Rick was available with another face. In my book you see variation 1 (page 58); below you see variation 2 and - right to it - variation 1 (as shown in my book page 58). Both dolls are marked "Davtex". The newly discovered version of Rick was also sold in Europe, but under different names and without "Davtex"-marking.
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The 2 (yet) known versions of Rick by Davtex |
Dienstag, 13. August 2013
Book 1 - Update 5: Sandy
Ich dachte immer, dass Sandy von Elite zu den wenigen Clones mit einem exklusiven Gesicht gehört, aber dem ist nicht so. Ich sah sie soeben auf Ebay (originalverpackt) mit dem Gesicht von Marty bzw. Corky (beide in meinem Buch besprochen). Das Fazit lautet wieder einmal: kaum ein Gesicht in der Clone-Welt ist exklusiv.
I always thought Sandy by Elite has got an exclusive face, but no! I just saw her on Ebay, with the face that is known from Marty and Corky (both pictured in my book).Conclusion: Only a very few faces are exclusive in the clone world...
I always thought Sandy by Elite has got an exclusive face, but no! I just saw her on Ebay, with the face that is known from Marty and Corky (both pictured in my book).Conclusion: Only a very few faces are exclusive in the clone world...
Auction picture |
Montag, 15. Juli 2013
Book 1 - Update 4: U-Heads
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"U" for Unique? Unique doll stand (Auction picture) |
Due to latest insights it seems possible that "U-head" dolls were manufactured by Unique and not by Uneeda (see my book page 47/48). That is, because a doll was seen that had an "Unique"-marked doll stand in its original packaging.
Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013
Maddie Mod: Face Variations
In meinem Buch zeige ich Maddie Mod mit ihrem bekanntesten Gesicht (siehe Seite 27), aber es gibt Maddie auch mit anderen Gesichtern. Wer kennt noch weitere Variationen?
1: Maddie Mod in einer frühen Version von Princess Grace Dolls
2: Maddie Mod, Mego, Verkaufsjahr unbekannt (irgendwann 70er)
3: Maddie Mod, Mego, eine neuere Version von Mitte/Ende der 70er
In my book i show the most-seen face of Maddie Mod (see page 27), but today i want to show some more Maddie faces that i have seen so far. Who knows more faces of Maddie?
1: Maddie Mod in an early version by Princess Grace Dolls
2: Maddie Mod, unknown year (who knows when she was sold?)
3: This should be one of the late versions, mid/late 1970s
Montag, 1. Juli 2013
Book 1 - Update 3: Annette
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Auction picture |
Annette (in meinem Buch auf Seite 14) ist doch tatsächlich auch mit Bubblecut Frisur verkauft worden. Eben erreichte mich das Bild aus den USA. Eben typisch Clones: viele Variationen!
I just learned that Annette (see page 14 in my book) was also available with Bubblecut hairdo. Thanks to Manny for the picture.
Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013
Book 1 - Update 2: Dress Me Doll
Der "Dress Me"-Mann von Grant Plastics (Buch Seite 55) wurde in den USA wohl auch als "Beau" von der "Standard Doll Company" vermarktet. Diese Aussage habe ich zumindest auf der Webseite einer Sammlerin entdeckt.
I discovered on a website that Grant Plastics' male "Dress Me"-doll (see page 55 in my book) was also marketed as "Beau" in the US, sold by the "Standard Doll Company".
I discovered on a website that Grant Plastics' male "Dress Me"-doll (see page 55 in my book) was also marketed as "Beau" in the US, sold by the "Standard Doll Company".
Book 1 - Update 1: Myra
Wie ich heute erfuhr, wurde Myra von Marx nicht nur mit einem Buffett verkauft (siehe Seite 70 in meinem Buch), sondern auch mit einem Schminktisch oder einem Bett.
Today i was told by a fellow collector that Myra was not oly sold with a buffet (as it reads in my book, page 70), but also with a vanity or a bed.
Today i was told by a fellow collector that Myra was not oly sold with a buffet (as it reads in my book, page 70), but also with a vanity or a bed.
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